Our textbook, Engineering Design Graphics: Sketching, Modeling, and Visualization was released by Wiley in 2022. Engineering design in my classes at UIUC involves a student-centered pedagogy and an increased hands-on component during our lecture. In this 3rd edition, we build on traditional design education through hand-sketching videos so that students and instructors world-wide can learn sketching through the UIUC tradition and we also take a student-centered approach by providing many examples and solutions. Additionally, we include a new chapter on human-centered design and a new chapter on CAD Solid Modeling, featuring our approaches to advanced CAD techniques, including UIUC student work.
If you are an instructor interested in evaluating this book to see if it is appropriate for use in your class, please contact me and I will be happy to get you in touch with Wiley for an evaluation copy. I am also thrilled to show you how I use the book for active-learning in my class.